Everyone loves to travel, right? We certainly do. But, is your destination as safe as you think it is? Did you know Acapulco is on the US State Department’s do not travel list?

At Sentinel Protective Strategies, we understand the need to travel for business and pleasure. Whether it be a family vacation or a multi-million dollar business trip, your safety is our number one priority.

There are criminal elements out there, both internationally and domestically, who see you as an opportunity. We can’t turn you into James Bond or Jason Bourne, but we will show how you are the biggest contributor to your own personal safety. We will help you hone your own sense of security awareness, to recognize threats, and to implement your own sensible security measures when traveling.

Everyone who travels is a potential victim of crime. Currently, the most prolific crimes directed at travelers are:

  • Muggings

  • Theft from vehicles

  • Car-jacking

  • Extortion

  • Kidnapping

  • Personal Violence

Travelers can also get caught up in unforeseen situations such as acts of terrorism or civil and community unrest. Although unlikely, it is important to have a plan of action should the unthinkable happen.

Our consultants are up-to-date on location-specific threat levels so can help in preparing you for your trip. Again, this individual client service will be delivered to you, and your family if applicable, within the comfort of your own home or office.

Sentinel Protective Strategies also has an international network of security professionals we can call upon to assist if needed. Please enquire about this service if interested.