After the success of our Situational Awareness Training for Real Estate Professionals course, we were asked to design a similar course for other corporate entities and private organizations.

As with our Real Estate program, this IS NOT a self-defense course. The skills taught during this course are the same utilized by Diplomatic Security and private corporate security teams worldwide that focus on risk mitigation and avoidance. If you know how to identify a threat, you know how to mitigate it.

This course will introduce you to our very own TRAPS model - Training in Risk Assessment and Personal Security. If you know what the traps are, you know how to avoid them.

During this course, we cover the following subjects:

  • Identify your individual threat level.

  • Identify your own situational awareness.

  • Being safe at home.

  • Being safe while driving.

  • International and domestic travel.

  • Safe socializing.

  • Social media.

  • Understand your legal right under state law of self-protection.

Our Sentinels can deliver this program to your organization in-house or we can facilitate a venue for you. Contact us today for more information about this service and take that first step to safeguarding your people.