Most states have laws that protect the rights of people like you and me to use self-defense in their own homes. With that in mind, do you know what to do if someone enters your house with bad intentions?

At Sentinel Protective Strategies, one of our consultants will visit with you in your home to personalize your very own defense plan. Our consultants are fully conversant with current state laws in regard to standing your ground and will cater an action plan specifically for you, your family, and your home.

You can expect to receive training and education on:

    • Do you own a firearm?

    • Where and how is it stored?

    • What type of ammunition do you use?

    • How competent a shooter are you?

    • Identify the best stronghold room/area.

    • Identify your limit of exploitation (your line in the sand).

    • What about family/visitors/pets?

    • State law on self-protection.

    • Communicating with law enforcement during and after a critical incident.

    • What to expect after law enforcement has secured the scene.

    • What to expect from yourself and your family.

We sincerely hope an event like this does not happen to you but in today’s society, we want to prepare you for the worst so that if it does, you have the capability to protect yourself, your family, and your home.